Litentry Weekly Updates (April 26 — May 2)


  • Researched on Chainlink whitepaper and other protocols
  • Initialized NFT pallet
  • Designed TestNet testing plan
  • Cross-chain recovery pallet proposal
  • Completed the Xrecovery design with three proposed solutions


  • Explored Token Migration Methods
  • Edited OCW related protocol and design document
  • Finalized Twitter-linker-server APIs for frontend
  • Set up The Graph API and imported some NFTs’ contract ABI
  • Edited design document for Xrecovery


  • Litentry partners with Konomi, a decentralized money market protocol built using Substrate, to use our DID data to better cater to the needs of Konomi’s growing borrower and lender customer base. Litentry’s on-chain identity aggregation data and credit computation model will bring value to Konomi as we explore new ways to adjust and integrate collateral rates and credit scores based on a user’s verified on-chain identity.

  • Litentry is to provide a privacy-computation-based KYC/AML identity service to InsurAce, a Singapore-based DeFi Insurance protocol. Under this partnership, both teams will be working together to explore the application of decentralized identity technologies in decentralized insurance use cases.

About Litentry

Litentry is a cross-chain identity aggregation protocol that features a Substrate-built network, mobile app and identity-related tools. The protocol enables identity linking across different networks and facilitates decentralization and transparency in identity credit computation. Litentry provides a secure vehicle through which users manage their identities and dApps obtain real-time credit/reputation of an identity owner across different blockchains.

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